SIIOTECH Public Lost or Stolen Database

We help to reunite lost belongings and pets with their Swedish owners
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Which markings can you search on? 

  1. Theft-ID / Decal number
  2. Own markings / QR Code
  3. RFID codes / Chip numbers (animals)
  4. Tattoo number (animals)
  5. Serial / IMEI numbers
  6. VIN / frame / engine serial number
  7. Geer wheal / CIN Craft identification number
  8. Sail number
  9. DNA labeling and code

Information to the Police & custom Europe, and users
You will receive an instant hit if an object or animal is reported to the Swedish police as lost or stolen, which means that you easily can do a search and be able to connect encountered objects to a theft or lost, and thus enable a swift arrest or reunify lost belongings or pets with their Swedish owners.

Your search check the Smartinventory database, SIIOTECH and simultaneously the database of LARMTJÄNST AB, wanted objects.
Larmtjänst is member of several organizations that not only combats thefts of vehicles and boats, but also insurance fraud.

More information will be shared in the automated system response. Try searching the DNA-PIN: XT4545454545 to see, click here.

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